Monday, December 10, 2018

Life style diseases on rise in India; especially among its Youth.

Life style diseases on rise in India; especially among its Youth.
A recent study has revealed that life style diseases namely obesity, depression, diabetes and hypertension are on high rise in India especially amongst the youth and even amongst the school and the college students.
Its true that most of India’s Metro Cities and A Class cities can boast of wider roads lined with green spaces, plenty of swimming pools and a large no of gyms fitted with all ultra modern fitness equipments, but still life style diseases amongst it’s residents are on rise.
It’s a matter of grave concern.
The most obvious reasons for the same are nonchalant attitude of the people towards their health, hectic and busy work schedules and sometimes lack of awareness and laziness in the case of students and above all, a Mall and PVR Culture slowly and gradually engulfing these cities and the residents in its invisible tentacles.
People of every age group especially the school and the college students can be spotted there, watching the newly released Bollywood movies and binging on the junk food.
To save ourselves from this slow killer, we all need to forsee the ill- effects of this Mall Culture and that we need to spend some quality time everyday in the lap of Mother Nature to enjoy Her Blessings which she offers free of cost and thus enables us lead a happy, healthy, peaceful and contented life.
The elderly people especially the educators need to help, guide and motivate the younger ones to adopt a healthy life style and to help them make physical exercises and healthy diet an integral part of their daily routine.
The schools also need to organise some awareness sessions to sensitise the students about the importance of physical exercises in their lives.
They really need to be shaken up from a deep slumber and to be reminded of the Olden, Golden Proverb , ” Health is wealth”.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Child psychologist and Behavioral Management.

Child psychologist and Behavioral Management.
To all parents and even grandparents, as well as teachers, here are some unnbelievably simple parenting ideas that work.
1. Children need a minimum of eight  touches during a day to feel connected to a parent.
If they’re going through a particularly challenging time, it’s a minimum of 12 a day. This doesn’t have to be a big deal; it could be the straightening of a collar, a pat on the shoulder or a simple hug.
2. Each day, children need one meaningful eye-to-eye conversation with a parent.
It is especially important for babies to have that eye contact, but children of all ages need us to slow down and look them in the eyes.
3. There are nine minutes during the day that have the greatest impact on a child:
the first three minutes right after they wake up
the three minutes after they come home from school
the last three minutes of the day before they go to bed
We need to make those moments special and help our children feel loved.
These are simple, right? Nothing really earth-shattering here.
Try it.
1. Whenever u feel like scolding or beating your child, take a deep breath, or count 1-10 and then act.
2. Let's ask them to study their favorite subject on their own..
3. Send them to one exam without studying at all..
4. Remember what our kids are learning in 5th std is taught to 7th std abroad..
5. Lets keep our kids out of unwanted competition.
6. 80% of what kids are learning ,won't be useful to them in future..
7. Our kids can really afford to do whatever they want to do in future .
8. Higher degrees don't guaranty success and happiness..
9. Not all the highly educated people do well professionally.
And not all who do well professionally are the happiest ones..
10.  Kids are always in a party mood.. don't spoil their childhood. Support and let them be what they want to be.
And change the way we look at our kids and their future.