Monday, August 19, 2019

What is Success?

What is Success?

1 year old ...Success is.
Can walk without support

4 years old...Success is.
Do not urinate in your pants,

8 years old...Success is..
To know the way back home.

12 years old, success is..
To have friends.

18 years old , success is.
To get a driving license.

23 years, success is.
To graduate from a university.

25 years old, success is.
To get an earning.

30 years old, success is.
To be a family Man.

35 years old, success is.
To make money.

45 years old, success is.
To maintain the appearance of a young man.

50 years old, success is.
To provide good education for your children.

55 years old, success is.
To still be able to perform your duties well.

60 years old, success.
To still be able to keep driving license.

65 years old, success is.
To live without disease.

70 years old, success is.
Not to be a burden on any one.

75 years old, success is.
To have old friends.

81 years old, success is.
To know the way back home.

86 years old, success is.
Not to urinate in your pants again.

90 years old...Success is.
That you can walk without support again
One of the best messages I have ever read.

Life is a cycle.! Dont expect too much from it. Be simple, cool and happy always.
Have a wonderful day ahead!

Sunday, August 18, 2019


PART - 1


Digital literacy refers to an individual’s ability to find, evaluate and compose clear information through writing and other mediums on various digital platforms.  It requires some level of computer competency further requiring both cognitive and technical skills.
Appreciation of digital literacy expects the ability to operate digital devices, send and receive emails and browse internet for information and undertake digital payments etc., Creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information, fluency, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making for digital citizenship.
Four principles which are emphasising a digital literacy assessment tool for teachers:
Comprehension : the ability to extract implicit and explicit ideas from a media.
• Interdependance
• Social Factors
• Curation
For usage, understanding and to create digital literacy the following are essential.
• Digital media are networked
• They are persistent, searchable and sharable
• They have unknown and unexpected audiences
• Their experiences are real
• Digital citizenship is character education in a network world.
One of the mission statements and theme of any school will be building character today, for communities of tomorrow , so we are always trying things back in to good character and how we want to be perceived by others, how we want to treat others, and how we want others to treat us.
Technology provides one more way to teach it.  One more way to make it relevant to students.
Fostering Digital Literacy in the class room becomes a vital role of a contemporary teacher in the changing and challenging times.
Many teachers are using technology in their class rooms to support different learning styles and to engage students.  Ways that promotes innovative thinking and collaborative work, promotion or ethical practices and strengthen their own professional development. Also in the following beneficial lines:
• Authentic learning opportunities enhanced through technological tools
• Teachers become facilitators and co-learner rather than drilling experts
• Teacher-training made purposeful, economical and work at site conserving men material and motion.
• Reasonable policies created with less restrictive filters for exercising good judgement.
[ This is the first part of my lecture notes on digital literacy and its significance on modern day teacher’s effective teaching methodologies.Dr.S.S]