Khathija khan, Uswatun Hasanah Jamath of Pooma Educational Trust
Mufti Ismail Menk that can make us & our Children Successful :
Mufti Ismail Menk that can make us & our Children Successful :
“We love ourselves after so many mistakes; so why do we hate others for one or two mistakes they’ve made.”
“If people display bad character towards us, it should not make us drop our good character as a result.”
“Whilst smiling is considered an act of reward, putting a smile on the face of others is considered an even bigger act of reward.”
“Whilst smiling is considered an act of reward, putting a smile on the face of others is considered an even bigger act of reward.”
“When you feel heartbroken & disappointed because things don’t seem to make sense, talk to the Almighty.
Speak silently from your heart. He made it.
He will surely mend it.”
Speak silently from your heart. He made it.
He will surely mend it.”
“Whenever you are alone, remind yourself that the Almighty has sent everybody away so that it’s only you & Him.”
“The moment you start comparing your life with others is the start of your downfall.
You’ll lose your peace & sense of gratitude. Thank Allah always .”
You’ll lose your peace & sense of gratitude. Thank Allah always .”
“We live in a strange world where the poor walk miles to get food while the rich walk miles to digest.”
“When someone tries to offend you, remember you can’t control your response.
Save yourself; don’t react.”
Save yourself; don’t react.”
“When you learn to discipline your tongue, you’ll stop scrutinizing, judging & condemning others.
You’ll then focus on your own weaknesses.”
You’ll then focus on your own weaknesses.”
“In this age of nudity, Modest dress plays a key role in purification of the soul and deep inner contentment.”
“I really appreciate those who correct me because without them,
I might have been repeating my mistakes for a long time.”
I might have been repeating my mistakes for a long time.”
“When people walk out of your life, perhaps the Almighty knew it was best for you & chose to protect you from unforeseen harm.”
“Not all your days will be the same. A day of sadness & another of happiness. A day of profit, another of loss. That’s the test of life.”
“If it doesn’t involve you, don’t get involved.”
“It is better to lose something for Almighty than to lose the Almighty for something.”
“Insulting others is never a way of correcting them. Instead, it causes more damage; proves that we need help ourselves.”
“Clothing ourself with the best character is more appealing than clothing ourself with expensive labels.”
“Find it in your heart to fully forgive the one who’s wronged you. It’s difficult but the rewards are great, from the Almighty.”
“If you want peace to prevail in your heart, remove anger, resentment, blame & worry.”
“Why do we keep holding grudges?
Is it really worth wasting that mental energy? Shouldn’t we just forgive & reap the rewards for letting go?”
Is it really worth wasting that mental energy? Shouldn’t we just forgive & reap the rewards for letting go?”
“Always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.”
“Pain is there for a reason. It’ll soften your heart. It’ll draw you closer to the Almighty. It’ll let you see His divine wisdom. Embrace it.”
“When you control your anger, you earn His pleasure. It’s a test of the strength of your character. Be conscious of it so you won’t regret.”
“No matter how detached you feel when you pray, don’t let go of the link. It’s your path back to the Almighty. Keep at it.”
“It’s never about material stuff, wealth, fame. It’s always about the heart.
The Almighty looks not at how you look but what’s in your heart.”
The Almighty looks not at how you look but what’s in your heart.”
“Marry someone who is deeply interested in the way of life prescribed by *ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل* because that is how your children will follow you.
“If you want to be respected, learn to respect others.”
“Be kind, polite & cheerful towards the women of the world.”
“Never utter mean words out of anger. Your anger will pass. But your mean words can scar a person for life. So use kind words or be silent.
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